Shopper Options

Example: Good Shop [PDF]

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Perception Strategies prides itself on the top-notch talent of its Mystery Shoppers. Our shoppers consistently produce quality, detailed, and error-free reports to our growing list of clientele throughout the United States.

Want to join our team?

Showcase your writing abilities below by completing a Sample Shop. This sample is very similar to what our shoppers do on a daily basis. Once we've received your Sample Shop, a member of the Perception Strategies will contact you with further instructions.

Your Sample Shop Assignment

Call your local hospital to evaluate the telephone etiquette of the employee(s) you speak with. Use the following scenario:

"I'm bringing in a friend to have an MRI next week, can you tell me how long I should expect that to take? I need to arrange for time off work." Also ask the representative, "Where is the best place to park? Should I drop him/her off at a certain entrance?"

Be sure to pay attention to, and include in your report, the following information:

  • The time you called
  • The name(s) of the employee(s) you spoke with
  • The tone of voice each employee used with you
  • How willing each employee was to help you
  • How long you were placed on hold (if applicable)
  • Your overall reaction to the call
  • Based on this experience, would you use this facility in the future?
  • What was your perception of the employee(s) you spoke with?
  • How satisfied were you with the information they gave you?


Two types of reporting are done for each shop; a Quantitative Section (Multiple Choice) and a Qualitative Section (Written Narrative).

To complete the Quantitative Section, add the name of the employee(s) you encountered across the top in the "Contacts" boxes. Then, rate the employee on each standard using the drop-down boxes and the scale below.

5 = Completely Satisfactory

4 = Mostly Satisfactory

3 = Mediocre

2 = Mostly Unsatisfactory

1 = Completely Unsatisfactory

To complete the Qualitative section:

  • Select the Overall Rating you gave the shop from the Overall Experience drop down box
  • Select the date and time you placed the phone fall from the Date/Time drop down boxes
  • Type the name and phone number of the hospital you called into the Location field
  • Type the scenario you gave the employee(s) into the Scenario field
  • In the Narrative section, write in detail about your experience from beginning to end
  • Be sure to include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of your narrative so we can identify this shop as yours.

Once you have completed both sections, click "Submit Report" at the bottom of the page.